Econ 128: Poverty and Public Policy Course Resources
Datasets for Problem Sets
Small Dataset for Problem Sets – Stata (not working right now, use CSV file)
Small Dataset for Problem Sets – CSV
Codebook for Small Dataset
Datasets for Empirical Papers
Large Dataset for Empirical Papers – Stata
Large Dataset for Empirical Papers – CSV
Codebook for Large Datasets
State-Level Dataset of Social Distancing Policies and Stata Do File for Merging to Large Dataset
State Social Distancing Policies Dataset – Excel
Stata Do File for Merging State-Level Policy Data – DO
** The Stata Version will work with Stata 13 or higher
** The CSV files will work with Stata any version, R, or Excel (in Stata use File, Import, Text Data)
Examples of Research on COVID Impacts
Early Evidence of the Impacts of COVID-19 on Minority Unemployment (with Ken Couch and Huanan Xu) Journal of Public Economics
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Racial Inequality in Business Earnings, NBER Working Paper.
Current Population Survey
Subject Summary
Data Dictionary
CPS Webpage
BLS CPS Webpage
Metro Area Codes
Stata Information (Only Need Stata/BE)
Instructional Computing Labs on Campus
Stata/BE for 6-Month Rent, 1-Year Rent, or Purchase to Own (Current Prices and Information)